News about nature, protecting the oceans and coral reefs

Australia's breathtaking natural beauty hinges on the pristine health of its oceans and coral reefs. These marine ecosystems, like the Great Barrier Reef, are vital not only for their awe-inspiring biodiversity but also as crucial protectors against climate change impacts. To safeguard Australia's coastal treasures, concerted efforts in conservation and sustainable practices are essential.

A poisonous and invasive species of lionfish has been detected in new areas of Brazil

The exotic species is capable of laying thousands of eggs every four days, and its increased reproduction in Brazilian waters poses a threat to endemic species in the country, potentially leading to their extinction.

The problem of lionfish invasion in Brazilian waters appears to persist, as this invasive species continues to multiply rapidly along the country’s coast, earning the reputation of a “sea plague”. This uncontrolled proliferation poses a looming threat to marine life and endangers the safety of beachgoers.

humpback whale season in Australia

The Humpback Whale Season Begins Along Western Australia’s Coral Coast

Every year, from June to November, Western Australia experiences humpback whale season. During the winter and spring months, you can have the amazing opportunity to observe these majestic creatures up close in their natural habitat.

Australia's coral coast, stretching 1,100 kilometers from Cervantes to Exmouth, offers one of the best places to see humpback whales. Numerous towns in this region offer whale watching cruises and water tours, allowing you to have a personal, up-close experience with these magnificent creatures.

Feeding coral polyp larvae could save degrading reef ecosystems

The Great Barrier Reef, the largest reef ecosystem in the world, is in a sorry state today. Rising water temperatures due to global warming and pollution of the world’s oceans are the main causes of reef degradation, during which corals turn white and gradually erode.

Today, the Australian government is allocating millions of dollars from the budget to save one of the main natural attractions of the continent. One of the ways to restore damaged areas of the reef is to disperse the larvae of coral polyps, which are designed to “patch” the “bald spots” formed on it.

Toxoplasma kills Hawaiian dolphins

Feline Toxoplasma kills Hawaiian dolphins

Invasive species, thoughtlessly or unintentionally brought and released by humans, are a huge threat to the biodiversity of our planet. Not only do feral cats and ferrets destroy thousands of local species of small mammals and birds, but the diseases they carry can be deadly to native species of fauna.

This is how Toxoplasma, a microscopic parasite, got to Hawaii, whose main hosts are felines, and a variety of warm-blooded species from mice to humans can act as intermediate carriers. Toxoplasma oocytes are highly resistant and remain viable for up to two years, so that, washed away by rain or sewage into the ocean, they can infect representatives of marine fauna.

coral reefs will disappear

Why corals are disappearing on the planet

Have you ever thought about what happens to the shells from a bowl of mussels or a plate of oysters?In most parts of Australia, there’s a high chance they will end up in landfill.

But for the last two years, restaurants and seafood wholesalers in Geelong, south-west of Melbourne, have been donating their shells to a local shell recycling program.

Interesting ocean news

Great Barrier Reef photos